When you're looking for up-to-date AADT counts in your Canadian provinces, turn to StreetLight to get quick, easy, cost-effective AADT measures. StreetLight provides the industry with validated AADT Metrics at scale, enabling organizations to quickly and easily access more reliable 2019- 2020 traffic counts. StreetLight InSight® provides AADT counts for every road across Canada, including urban, rural, and local county roads. Our 2019-2020 Metric is an update to our previously released AADT Metric, and it continues to outperform industry standards.
Read our white paper to explore:
- How we expanded our data sources and enhanced our methodology, reducing errors across road sizes and provinces
- Improved estimates on Canadian roadways, including high-density urban areas
- Our rigorous approach to testing and validating the algorithm, using 4,000+ permanent counter locations across nine provinces
Download the white paper to learn why transportation experts trust our AADT methodology and validation.