Evaluating Big Data’s quality is an important process for many of our customers. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently released updated guidelines on how to validate Big Data’s accuracy when compared to traditional measures, particularly compared to temporary counters. We are excited that this clear guidance has been published, especially for clients who want to use StreetLight for federal reporting such as Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS).
We encourage everyone to read FHWA’s report “Guidelines for Obtaining AADT Estimates from Non-Traditional Sources” (FHWA-HPL-23-018.) While the 90-page report is comprehensive, we geared this summary to users who want to understand the most salient points of the data validation contained in Appendix B of the report and a more distilled version of the FHWA report.

Access readily available AADT Metrics in a few clicks

Access high-quality and validated AADT for nearly all U.S. roads.

Get counts that meet industry accuracy standards on all road sizes.

Save time and money with automated traffic counts at scale.