StreetLight provides a quick, easy, and cost-effective way to measure hourly or daily traffic averaged at the yearly, monthly, or user-defined time period without any setup or sensor requirement.
Transportation professionals can get access to segment-level vehicular metrics for the most recent data period to measure traffic trends across Canada. StreetLight's segment-level volume metrics, powered by Aggregated GPS (AGPS) data, support a wide variety of use cases, including corridor studies, safety & traffic calming studies, existing conditions reporting, and traffic management.
Download our white paper to learn:
Details about the methodology, algorithm development, validation, and data sources
Validation results for volume metrics broken down by road sizes
How the model captures seasonal time trends

Get on-demand volume data in a few clicks

High-quality vehicular insights, including VKT, delay, and travel time available in minutes

Segment- and spot-level volume and speed data broken down by time of day and day of week

Downloadable metrics to analyze change in month-over-month traffic