Partner with us on your SMART grant proposals
Safety & Reliability
Identify high-priority corridors that need solutions to improve safety.
Access recent Vehicle, Bike, and Pedestrian Volume and Speed Metrics on all roadways to identify locations with high vehicle speed and high pedestrian and bike traffic. Combine with your local crash data to calculate the exposure-adjusted crash risk.
Equity & Access
Show that proposed solutions improve transportation accessibility for historically disadvantaged populations.
Leverage multimodal analyses combined with traveler demographics that show how and why traffic flows to critical destinations like job sites, healthcare, and essential services.
Climate & Resilience
Demonstrate that proposed solutions mitigate traffic congestion and contribute to positive climate impact
Diagnose traffic patterns for all hours of the day with congestion Metrics such as Vehicle Miles Traveled and Vehicle Hours of Delay. Evaluate the impact of signal timing adjustments and other congestion reduction efforts on traffic flow.