“We no longer have to make assumptions in people’s trip activity and travel behaviors. Now we have data to support our research and it separates fact from fiction.”

City of Pittsburgh

Panelist Bios

Panini Chowdhury is a Transportation Planning Manager for the City of Pittsburgh and a certified transportation planning & safety professional. He likes to describe himself as a "hawker,” selling the dream of dignity in human mobility, transportation equity, and a strong public transit-dominated transportation future. His professional expertise includes traffic safety, transportation planning, transit accessibility, geospatial and statistical analysis, and travel demand modeling. 

Kevin Hathaway is the Vice President of Professional Services at StreetLight, where he directs StreetLight’s project and research efforts applying big data methodologies across planning, operations, and new infrastructure problems. Kevin is a trained analytics and transportation software leader with 25 years of experience in large-scale transportation, infrastructure, environment, health, and housing problems with technical specialization in modeling, market research, and big data approaches. 

Nancy Clarke is the Lead Data Scientist at StreetLight, where she applies machine learning algorithms and rigorous statistical analysis to develop new products and improve the accuracy and quality of StreetLight’s existing ones. Additionally, Nancy advises on methods for StreetLight’s custom Services projects and Advanced Research team. Nancy holds a PhD in statistics from University College Dublin and brings over 10 years of experience as a data scientist and statistical consultant.

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